Shuhei Yoshida Visits Bokeh Game Studio

Shuhei Yoshida Visits Bokeh Game Studio

Tonight we are joined by our former colleague and boss, Shuhei Yoshida. e sat and looked back to the days of working together to create games such as Siren, Puppeteer, Gravity Rush and The Last Guardian. We also talked about how the industry has shaped itself today and pondered whether we should be regarded as an “Indie” studio. 今回のGolden Hourには我々の以前上司であった吉田修平氏をお招きしました。『SIREN』、『パペッティア』、『GRAVITY DAZE』、『人喰いの大鷲トリコ』など、当時の制作秘話からゲーム業界の変化、ボーカをインディースタジオとするかしないか!?など、様々な話題をお楽しみください。 KGO3AW2MWQBGCQOA

Bilder: Bokeh


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