FLOCK | Release Date Trailer

FLOCK | Release Date Trailer

Flock launches day one on Game Pass this July 16. Also launching on PlayStation and PC. Wishlist now! Flock is a multiplayer co-op game where players take on the role of flying shepherds, each tending to their own unique herd of adorable flying creatures. The game is an ode to the joy of flight and discovery. Starting with a small herd of hover-sheep, you nurture and fly them toward fresh, untouched pastures. Along the way, you will discover the secrets of the beautiful uplands and its wild creatures. Developed by HOLLOW PONDS and RICHARD HOGG. Published by Annapurna Interactive. © Annapurna Interactive, 2024

Videoquelle: Devolver Digital | Auch interessant: Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor


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