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Metal Gear Solid 3 Charaktere bekannt?

25.03.04 - Möglicherweise sind die in Metal Gear Solid 3: The Snake Eater auftretenden Charaktere bekannt. Eine Internetseite für Schauspieler hat Rollen aus dem Spiel zum Vorsprechen für die Synchronisation angeboten (Danke an Beefor).

Die nachfolgenden Infos wurden offiziell von Konami nicht bestätigt, deshalb alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Auf der Seite Showfax werden im Bereich Videospiele Sprechrollen für Metal Gear Solid 3: The Snake Eater angeboten. Wer Interessae hat, kann einen Termin zum Vorsprechen vereinbaren.

Demnach sollen in dem PS2-Spiel angeblich folgende Charaktere auftauchen:

CIA Chief
Director Glanin
Director Sokolov
Enemy Soldier
Guard Johnny
Hanger Intercom
Ivan Radeinovich Raskov
Major Zero (Major Tom)
MIG Pilot
Mr. Srgnt
Pentagon Official
President Johnson
The Boss
The End
The Fear
The Fury
The Sorrow
Thunderbolt (Colonel)

Wer an dem Casting teilnehmen möchte, erhält von Showfax angeblich Probetexte:

(before his battle with Snake)

Ocelot: Sorry to disappoint the Cobras, but you are mine now!
Ocelot: Twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat!
Same lines repeated in Japanese writing!

Zum Abschluss noch der Inhalt eines Dokuments, das angeblich von Konami stammen soll. Es enthält ausführliche Beschreibungen zu sämtlichen Charakteren, aus denen wir nur einen Auszug veröffentlichen. Auch hier ist nicht klar, ob die Daten echt oder eine Fälschung sind - allerdings werden in zahlreichen Foren sämtliche Beiträge mit dem Inhalt gelöscht und nicht einfach nur abgeschlossen:


[MAJOR ZERO Male, 50's, British accent.Real name is David Oh. In FOX he's known as Major Zero. He will be referred to as Major Tom in the VR Missions, but his code name, Major Zero, will be used during the main story. He offers intelligence support to Snake via radio transmission during missions.

He belongs to the CIA bureau of classified planning, and is the commanding officer of 'FOX'. Major Tom is British, an English gentleman. He is in his 50's and single. Aiming to create a task force of absolute secrecy to collect intelligence during the Cold War period, he organized 'FOX'. Major Tom has a British accent. (1535) United Talent Agency, Inc.


[OCELOT Male, high teens, standard English. He is Snake's old enemy and biggest rival. He has an incredibly handsome appearance, and is, in a word, cool. He is a pure, likeable young man. As a teenager under Major Volgen, he commanded the elite force. Ocelot, son of a legendary hero and was raised to be an elite.

First encounters to Snake in the VR Missions, he was put to shame in front of his subordinate. He hopes hunting for a chance to someday to get even with Snake. Even after that, Snake always seemed to be one step ahead of him. In awe of always being outdone, Ocelot comes to respect and hold deep affection for Snake.


[THE END Male, 100 yrs old, standard English. A surviving member of Cobra with a code name (The End) that implies the meaning "demise". His real name is unknown. He is the oldest member of Cobra and taught The Boss everything about sniping.

This legendary sniper born in the 1860's, he will soon be more than 100 years old. He is the founder of all modern day sniping techniques, from stalking and ambushing, to general know-how. With lichen living parasitically in his body, he is a living miracle. Through the photosynthetic properties of the moss living in his body, he can survive without eating or drinking anything.

Der User 'Arsenal-Gear' hat Konami in den USA eine Email geschrieben, in der er fragte, ob diese Informationen stimmen würden. Angeblich erhielt er daraufhin folgende Antwort:

Subject: Hi from Konami
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From: Scott Dolph
Date: Sun, March 21, 2004 8:24 pm
To: zimbald2@TCNJ.EDU
Priority: Normal

Hi Chris,

I am Scott Dolph of Konami.

Can you please give me the name of the employee at YUMI TAKADA Casting who leaked the MGS3 informatoin to you or to XXXX XXXXXXX?

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Scott Dolph

Scott Dolph
International Affairs Manager
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
Roppongi Hills XXX
XXXX Roppongi, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan

Ob all diese Informationen stimmen, ist unklar. Konami hat nichts dergleichen offiziell bestätigt und die Echtheit kann nicht überprüft werden.
